Sunday, December 3, 2017

Grizzlies Again (Fall 2017)

We'd said goodbye to the Grizzlies when Winter came to a close earlier in the year. But come Fall, we got the call ... well, it was a text, asking if Colton could come play on the team again. We were still with the Wolves, but figured we could do double duty like last year. It's a bit more complicated because of the ball though. 7th graders play with the full size ball, while 6th graders still use the smaller 28.5 one. Colton said he thought he'd be okay switching between the two. 

When the schedules came out, I always check them with baited breath. For the first game ... the Grizzlies and the Wolves played at the exact same time. Colton played with the Wolves, and the Grizzlies still got the win without him. For the rest of the season, while there were some back to back games, there were no other direct conflicts ... until the final Championship. Again, championship games at exactly the same time. Happily, the Wolves one was changed and Colton was able to play in both. Grizzlies were able to get the win! 5 and 2 during the season, they beat the #1 ranked Fire for a rematch with the #2 ranked Legends ... and beat them that time!
Pictured above ... 
Colton, Daxton, Tannic, Tayden, Blyke, Tyler (front) AJ and Austin.
Not Pictured - Jack (and Freeman)

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