Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Cooper Junior Jazz (6th Grade)

While Cooper loves playing basketball, and is an absolute fan of the NBA, he hasn't wanted to play on an organized team for a couple of years. Even just recreational ball was a little too much. I missed watching him play. He surprised me this season by saying he did want to be on a Junior Jazz team with his friends from school. I was surprised, but thrilled!

A video posted by BlackhamBall (@blackhamball) on
Here's just a couple quick clips from his 1st game. I am taking the clips from the game and making highlight videos. You can see the playlist here (Cooper Basketball ) and I'll continue to add to it as the season progresses. It's great to see Cooper in action again!

I'm so grateful to this group of friends, these basketball buddies from school that got Cooper-Man playing again! After a tough game though, Cooper did get a little intimidated and skipped the rest of the season. Glad I got this picture (he wasn't there for the official team photo either).

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Keaton - West Hills 9th Grade Team

During this 2015-2016 season, Keaton is playing on the West Hills Middle School team. They play in the district league on Saturdays, against the other middle schools in the Jordan District. To get a little more playing time in, they are also on a trimmed team playing Thursdays in the Salt Lake Superleague. It keeps us busy! Happily, practices are generally right after school, so that helps out, saving extra trips. 

I don't know that I'll catch every game (with three other boys in basketball, there are bound to be some conflicts) but those I do, I'll try to video and make a muvee of the highlights. I'll be posting to my "Basketball" Facebook page (Twitter & Instagram too). Of course, you can always check in directly with YouTube via the playlists below, or simply subscribe for instant notification of any uploads. 

West Hills Blue Team

West Hills Middle School
Game Schedule

The boys played in the Christmas AAU tournament in December 2015.
You can see the highlights from those three games at the link below.
West Hills/Christmas AAU

Keaton, James and Tyler

You can follow the team on TeamSnap too!

Keaton got sick for one of the last Saturdays in the tournament. Unfortunately it was a double header that day, so he missed two games. The team won one, lost the other, which eliminated them. It always feels like an "unfinished" season when you miss the last game!

The boys finished up with an end of season party.
Way to go Wildcats!