Cal and Company have continued to play ball when and where they can. They found a fairly competitive men's league at the Taylorsville Rec Center, so that has been the go-to for games. Colton can't play during the high school season, but filled in during the summer. Cal even got Keaton out once!
This year the Taylorsville Men's League replaced the curtain between courts from a white sheet to a bright red divider. Makes for a distinct backdrop for all the T-ville Rec Center games. And the team name, Ben & Jerry's? The two boys (left, front and back) are Jared and Ben. Also pictured are Cal, Colton, Charlie, Trevor and Austin.
I attended one game in the first tournament of the year. Busy season, with Colton's Junior year in full swing. I never got around to making a highlight video from it ... but maybe I'll still get to it! I was able to snag the stats, and got a couple pictures. Cal had got a pretty good floor burn on his knee, and I took a picture of it after the game. A few days later (while Cal was off on a work job at Bear Lake) that knee swelled up something terrible and Cal couldn't walk on it at all.
The Ben and Jerry's started off the year claiming the championship!
It wouldn't be their only one!
I went to several games over the summer season, a few into fall ...
- May 17, 2023
- July 19, 2023
- August 2, 2023 Semi-Finals
- August 2, 2023 Championship (Blue Shirts above)
- September 20, 2023
- October 4, 2023
- November 8, 2023 Semi-Finals
- November 8, 2023 Championship

This championship game finished up right before high school basketball started up for Colton. Another injury (elbow to the eye) for Cal. Pictured here, Jared, Colton, Stockton, Charlie, Cal, Big D and Austin. Ben was busy with school this session.
Coach Cal and Crew ...
Staying busy with basketball!
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